A new feature of our website is the Contributed Components Directory.

Here you can find many of the contributed components that are available with our current product offerings.  Some components are fully presented on our distributed media and do not—or not yet—have pages here.  There are many utilities published in the Cincom Open Repository that are of interest, but have not yet been elevated to components for which we provide built distributions.  Although some of these may have active external maintainers, these contributed components are not supported by Cincom

This new Web directory has listings for both “components no longer on the distribution” and “components on the distribution.”  The “Components No Longer on the Distribution” section highlights components that are no longer found in the distributed product, as the name implies.  However, they can be downloaded and installed just like selectable distributed components.  The “Components on the Distribution” section highlights components that users can browse through, choosing to add them to the product without firing up the installer again.  With both sections, the individual pages for each component also give more information than the brief two lines of the installer.

Addition of more components, sometimes on the installation and more often on the web pages, which are free from the constraints of controlling overall installation size, is ongoing.  Just recently, we’ve added the PDF4Smalltalk and Values frameworks of Christian Haider to the installation. A web page with links pointing to Christian’s pages will be available shortly.

› To see the list of contributed components, click here.

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If you have developed an application and need help in promoting it, consider joining the Cincom Smalltalk Partner Program. This program offers our current users an opportunity to assist in marketing their applications or services to help partners and users grow their brands and increase the usage of their Cincom Smalltalk applications.  If you are interested in this program, click here.