t is our pleasure to bring you the current version of Cincom Smalltalk. Cincom continues to provide high value and low cost with a rapid return on investment at low risk, allowing you to win more business, operate efficiently and deliver as promised.

The current releases of ObjectStudio 8.6 and VisualWorks 8.0 are major releases and contain recent past improvements as well as new “millennial” changes that include revamped frameworks that were originally done before 2000, but are now being overhauled for big improvements in the products. These “millennial” changes include Text2, SourceCode Editor 2 and UISkinning (Look & Feel 2) for the Foundation tools as well as VisualWorks applications. ObjectStudio also has a “millennial” change in its next generation user interface.

  • See the ObjectStudio 8.6 major release feature changes here.
  • See the VisualWorks 8.0 major release feature changes here.

As before, you can request media or an ftp transfer of the product. For other options, please speak with your account manager. To request a new release, just go to this link on our website and fill out the form:
